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Singing “Cows With Guns” to the Washington State Legislature

Dana with old friend, environmental leader, and now, State Representative Gerry Pollet.

My old friend and outstanding environmental leader Gerry Pollet was recently appointed to the Washington State Legislature. On his third day in the capitol, he overheard the chair of the Ways and Means Committee singing “Cows With Guns” as he was walking down the hall.

Gerry asked him how he knew the song and the chairman explained that “Cows With Guns” had become one of the theme songs for the Democratic Caucus in the House of Representatives. At the end of every session when things were getting intense, they would sing “Cows With Guns.”

So Gerry invited me to go to Olympia and sing the tune for the house Democrats.

Dana Interviews Paul Cienfuegos

[youtube_sc url=""] Paul Cienfuegos, democracy activist, is interviewed by Dana Lyons at the capitol building in Olympia, Washington, during a Labor and Occupy Olympia rally. Paul discusses how corporations were given constitutional rights by corporate leaning supreme courts of the last 150 years, rights that are...