
Label GMO Disco Video


Village People YMCA Parody “Label GMO Disco”

I spent the month of September filming a comedy music video called “Label GMO Disco,” which is a parody of the Village People’s “YMCA.” I plan to release the video by October first of this year so it can be used as part of an education campaign to help pass Washington State Initiative 522, which would require the labeling of GMOs (genetically modified organisms) in foods. The election is on November 5, 2013.

How A Comedy Music Video Might Help

In 2012, California ran a similar initiative, and the large chemical companies spent $46 million to defeat it. I’m hoping that a comedy disco video on YouTube might help frame the GMO labeling issue in an entertaining way and inspire some voters in what could be a very close election. If Washington State passes a law requiring the labeling of GMOs, it could likely trigger the labeling of GMOs in foods for the entire United States.

Request for Volunteers

I am looking for volunteers who would be able to:

1. Help search on the Internet for the websites and email addresses of groups who would likely be in support of labeling GMOs in foods (organic farmers, food co-ops, farmers markets, beekeepers, activist chefs, eco groups, etc.).


2.  Send emails to these groups inviting them to watch “Label GMO Disco” and encouraging them to promote the video on Facebook, Twitter, their email lists, newsletter, etc.

I would provide a sample email to send out and work with you concerning which groups in which regions to contact.

Estimated Work Time:  5+ hrs/week Oct 1-Nov 4

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Dana at

Request for Funds

The cost to produce this video is approximately $5,000. Small and large donations are very much appreciated. Every $5 helps. All contributors will be thanked on my website (unless you’d prefer to keep your donation anonymous). Currently I am underwriting the cost of the video. If you believe this is a good method of promoting GMO labeling, your support would be greatly appreciated.

Also consider donating to the Yes on 522 campaign:

Donations Can Be Made Online or By Check

Donations can be made online via PayPal, Visa, or Mastercard (online payment option coming soon), or by sending a check made out to “Dana Lyons” to:

Dana Lyons
PO Box 2627
Bellingham, Washington 98227

(Donations are not tax-deductible, as this is related to an election campaign.)

For more information, please contact Dana at