Dana’s Blog

Dana’s Album: The Great Salish Sea

  Dana’s New Album: The Great Salish Sea I’m happy to release my new album The Great Salish Sea. Produced by Casey Neill and recorded at Secret Society Studios in Portland, Oregon by Jordan Leff, The Great Salish Sea includes performances by many notable Portland artists, including Jenny Conlee (keyboardist for The Decemberists), Chet...

Whatcom Watch Interview With Dana (second half)

  Part 2 of Dana's Whatcom Watch article is out in the March issue. Dana tells stories of tours throughout his career and the upcoming Great Salish Sea CD Release Tour. Read Part 2 of the article here: http://www.whatcomwatch.org/php/WW_open.php?id=1683 Read Part 1 here: http://www.whatcomwatch.org/php/WW_open.php?id=1666...

Whatcom Watch Interview With Dana (first half)

  Dana tells stories of tours throughout his career and the upcoming Great Salish Sea CD Release Tour. Read article here: http://www.whatcomwatch.org/php/WW_open.php?id=1666...

A Tribute to Pete Seeger

When I was a child growing up near the Hudson River in upstate New York, Pete Seeger and the crew of the Hudson River Sloop Clearwater organized our entire region to clean up the Hudson. Thousands of classes of elementary school students sailed on the...

Amy Goodman Interviews Vandana Shiva and Jane Goodall

I just watched a remarkable interview with three of our most important leaders: Amy Goodman interviews Vandana Shiva and Jane Goodall. Most hopeful discussion I've seen in a long time. http://www.democracynow.org/blog/2013/12/4/video_extended_interview_with_vandana_shiva...

Cows With Guns book

Cows With Guns Book is Back!

  I’m happy to announce that the Cows With Guns book is back in print. Originally published by Penguin in 1998, the Cows With Guns book has now been re-released by Kearney Street Books of Bellingham, Washington. Needless to say I’m thrilled to have the book...

Label GMO Disco: Dana’s First Disco Video!

Watch "Label GMO Disco" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ho2H7b1tUgQ&t=60s   Filming “Label GMO Disco” I spent the month of September, 2013 filming “Label GMO Disco” (a parody of the Village People’s “YMCA”) to be used as part of an education campaign to help pass Washington State Initiative 522.  Initiative 522 promotes our right to...

Coming This Week: Label GMO Disco Music Video!

That's right folks, this week I'll be releasing my first disco music video! "Label GMO Disco," a comedy parody of the Village People's "YMCA," will be released in hopes of inspiring voters to vote Yes on Initiative 522 in Washington State, which would require labeling...

Label GMO Disco Video

  Village People YMCA Parody “Label GMO Disco” I spent the month of September filming a comedy music video called “Label GMO Disco,” which is a parody of the Village People’s “YMCA.” I plan to release the video by October first of this year so it can be...

Enjoy Your Swim!

  One of Dana's Australian tour photos from Gove, Northern Territory. (As an aside, when Katey first read the sign, she accidentally read it as "Crocodile and Singer Warning.")...