Eco-Freakos and Insurance Actuaries Unite!
I’ve been working on the climate change issue since high school. In the 1970s, one industry was being real about climate change. Yes, the radical environmentalist actuaries in the insurance industry. You may go to church with some of these bead wearing long hair insurance salespeople. You know the type. Some should shower a little more often.
Why does the insurance industry admit climate change is real? Because they have to pay for it. It’s fine to wing bullshit about a “hoax” etc., unless you have to pay for it.
Well guess what team? Have you taken a look at your house or car insurance lately? Changed a little?
One curious thing I’ve noticed about humanity as I tour the world singing humorous songs about the apocalypse, is that while folks (including myself) are generally concerned about the environment, the health of our kids etc., what really gets our blood pressure up is when our wallets are threatened. When our property values are threatened. When our insurance rates go up. Again. Now THAT is an outrage.
And I don’t say that to be judgmental. Most of us are barely scraping by, and can’t afford yet another price hike on whatever.
The reason I’m writing this missive is because if you care about climate change and “all that is good in this world” (to take a quote from Sam in “Lord of the Rings”), I think it’s important that we start speaking about climate change as an economic issue. Climate change will raise inflation. Climate change will lower property values. Climate change will lose jobs.
Next time the subject comes up while watching the game, set aside the boring “oh gosh it’s bad for the environment issue”. Tell ‘em it’s affecting your insurance rates, your property value, your wallet, and that you’re pissed off. Hard to argue with that.
The insurance industry is the canary in the coal mine.
Watch this outstanding short piece on the insurance industry and climate change on Velshi on MSNBC. (show was aired Jan 11th)
And to quote some more great literature (Galaxy Quest)
“Never give up. Never surrender.”