Rise For The Orca Tour

A Year+ Long Tour With Musician/Comedian/Eco-Cheerleader Dana Lyons

Raising awareness and building political will to protect the Southern Resident Orcas and their habitat: the Salish Sea and Columbia River Watersheds


Dana Salish Sea T-shirt MOCKUP 3-4



Musician, comedian, and environmental cheerleader Dana Lyons is conducting a year+ long concert and informational tour of Washington, British Columbia and Oregon to raise awareness and build political will to protect the Southern Resident Orcas and their habitat: the Salish Sea and Columbia River Watersheds. The tour will include events set up by local non-profit groups, schools, libraries, places of worship, state and local government, festivals, neighborhood associations, house concerts etc. Dana will entertain and educate with music and comedy, and try to recruit folks to take part in orca related events, salmon restorations projects, and public hearings across our region. The tour began in January of 2019 with Orca Network’s “Way of the Whales” conference in Coupeville, WA, and will continue through at least February 2020 when the Army Corps of Engineers releases the Environmental Impact Statement for the Snake River Dams.


[youtube_sc url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=towlRuXK8FU&t=80s” title=”The%20Great%20Salish%20Sea”]

Watch “The Great Salish Sea” Music Video



Schedule (as of May 19, 2019)

Show Info: https://cowswithguns.com/shows/

Jan 26 2019 Coupeville, WA
Way of the Whales (Orca Network)

April 13 Langley, WA
Welcome the Whales Festival & Parade (Orca Network)

April 14 Port Townsend, WA
Quimper Unitarian Fellowship
Dana gives sermon “We are the Orca”

June 2 Seattle, WA
Orca Action Month Kick Off

June 8 Sequim, WA
Rise For The Orca Tour Concert

June 11 Portland, OR
Lummi Totem Pole Journey: We Will Rise Again

June 13 Seattle, WA
Salish Splash

June 13 Bellingham, WA
Lummi Totem Pole Journey: We Will Rise Again

June 14 Coupeville, WA
Lummi Totem Pole Journey: We Will Rise Again

June 30 San Juan Island, WA
100th Anniversary of Lime Kiln State Park Lighthouse

September (dates to be announced) Snake River, ID
Snake River Dam Flotilla

October 19 (events all across Washington State)
Conservation District Orca Recovery Day

October (dates to be announced)
Public hearings concerning the Snake River Dams

October (dates to be announced)
Dana tours Eastern Washington to alert folks about Snake River Dam pre-EIS public hearings

February 2020 (projected release date of Snake River Dams EIS)

February 2020 (Dana tours Eastern, WA to alert folks about Snake River Dam EIS public hearings)


About Dana Lyons

 “A current day Pete Seeger”
The Bellingham Herald

 Internationally known ‘environmental troubadour’ Dana Lyons, carries on the legacy of artist/activists such as Pete Seeger and Woody Guthrie.

Best known for his global comedy hit “Cows With Guns” which went to #2 on Australia’s Country Charts and remained on Ireland’s Top 40 for six months, Dana Lyons is a singer, guitarist and recording artist who has toured the world for thirty years promoting environmental and social justice causes.

Dana’s concerts are a blend of comedy, beautiful ballads, and fascinating stories of the road: from the myriad of global tours he has conducted. His beautiful singing voice and fun outrageous performances are great for the whole family.

Watch Dana’s Music Video: “The Great Salish Sea”
(about the effect of large fossil fuel export ships on orca whales in the Salish Sea Region)



 Booking a Show

To book a “Rise For The Orca” show in your community, contact Dana at dana@cowswithguns.com

Contact Dana Lyons: