You can listen to “Crack in the Heartland” on my website here.
A Long Strange Album Release Party
My “Cracks in the Heartland” album has had a long strange protracted release, mostly due to the pandemic, and in also in some part due to my own long strange protracted schedule. It was recorded in 2018 and 2019 in Portland and produced by my friend Casey Neill.
Unlikely Alliances
The album is largely set in the prairie and has a number of songs about rural people standing up to large energy projects, and beating them: All true stories. These people power ballads were difficult to write, the stories being so long and complex, but I felt that they were remarkable stories that I wanted to tell. They are stories that prove that unlikely alliances of very conservative and very progressive people can come together on issues they agree on, work together with a sense of humor, and win.
Ask The Nebraskans:
We Have More In Common Than What Divides Us
I know our societies are divided on a bunch of issues. I also know we share the biggest things in common: a desire to protect our local jobs and economies; a desire to provide a good life for our kids; a desire to protect the natural world around us.
Watch “Love Song to Jane” video
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