
Dana’s Web Store


Email your order to Dana (items you want)
Dana will email you back with total price including shipping
If the total with shipping looks good to you, then you pay; then Dana ships it
(you can also calculate the shipping cost below)



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Autographed CDs . . . $15

Click for larger versions. Listen to Dana’s Albums

Autographed Books

The Tree (book) . . . $20

Cows With Guns (book) $16

Cows With Guns book

T-Shirts S-XL . . . $25;  2X . . . $30

Protect the Orca T-Shirt

How To Order


Step 1.  Email which item(s) you would like to order to Dana at

Note shipping rates below.

Step 2.  Dana will email you back a total price including shipping so you can double check the total.  And ask if you want anything to be personally autographed (i.e. to Aunt Gertrude)

Step 3.  Once you have received an email from Dana with the total price you can pay via Credit Card, Venmo, PayPal, or check (see payment details below)

Step 4.  When Dana receives your payment he will package up the order and take it to the post office sometime that week, as his schedule allows.

Questions:  Email Dana at

Shipping Rates


United States Shipping Rates

Up to $25 purchase:           $15 shipping
Up to $60 purchase:           $25 shipping
Up to $100 purchase:          $35 shipping
Over $100:                            Request shipping quote from Dana

All Countries Outside the United States – Shipping Rates

 Up to $15 purchase:            $25 shipping
Up to $40 purchase:            $40 shipping and handling
Up to $80 purchase:            $70 shipping and handling
Over $80:                              Request shipping quote from Dana

US packages usually take under a week after Dana has shipped them.   For countries outside the US your package will be shipped International First Class, and can take a while depending on customs and the speed of the post office in each country.

Questions:  Email Dana at

How To Pay


After emailing Dana what you would like to order Dana will calculate the shipping and email you the total price.  Return to Dana’s Store Page and pay using a Credit Card, Paypal, Venmo, or Check (see links and info below).  After receiving paymant Dana will ship your package.  Thanks!


Credit Card or Paypal

Click here to pay by Credit Card or Paypal







Sending a Check

Checks to:
Dana Lyons
PO Box 2627
Bellingham, WA 98227