Major Appearances

 Major Appearances

  • Yukon River Tour, Alaska
    Traveled with Gwitchin Spokesperson Sarah James and performed at Gwitchin Villages on the Yukon River as well as in the interior of the Arctic Wildlife Refuge.
  • Sea Shepherd Tuna-Dolphin Campaign
    Worked in the engine room of the Sea Shepherd from Key West, Florida through the Panama Canal to the west coast of Costa Rica trying to halt tuna fishing boats from killing dolphins.
  • Interstate-90 Tour
    Drove with a 50 gallon drum of “fake” nuclear waste on top of a station wagon from Boston to Seattle to dramatize the US Department of Energy’s plan to transport nuclear waste by truck from the east coast to Washington State’s Hanford Nuclear Reservation.
  • Green Peace Ozone Campaign
    Toured the eastern part of the U.S. promoting a boycott of Tropicana Orange Juice, which, at the time, was owned by the same company that owned Dupont, the largest maker of ozone depleting CFCs in the world.
  • Ancient Forest Rescue Expedition
    Traveled around the U.S. with a 700-year-old Douglas Fir log on an 18-wheeler to dramatize the cutting of ancient forests in the Pacific Northwest.
  • Australia and New Zealand
    Toured with singer/activist John Seed (who sings with Dana on their environmental children’s album “At Night They Howl at the Moon”) to raise awareness about logging old growth forests Down Under.
  • Siberia and Kazakhstan
    Performed for new citizen environmental groups which sprang up just after Glasnost (the breakup of the Former Soviet Union). Worked on project to bring computer equipment and funding to new citizen eco groups.
  • James Bay Tour
    Toured New England with singer/activist John Seed and Cree spokespeople calling for northeastern states to drop their contracts with Hydro-Quebec. Hydro-Quebec proposed to flood an area the size of the state of Vermont on Cree Indian land for hydroelectric power.
  • Redwoods
    Conducted several tours to raise money and awareness to protect the last remaining old growth redwoods in California. Took part in historic Redwood Summer of 1990.
  • Alaska: Keep it Wild
    Toured several times throughout Alaska singing and speaking about environmental issues facing this state.