
NO Pebble Mine!!


Dana at Salmonstock, a fundraising event to raise funds for and educate the public on the threat from the proposed Pebble mine and mining district.

Native Alaska, Under Threat – The New York Times Op-Ed
by Bristol Bay native and professional snowboarder Callan J. Chythlook-Sifsof

PARK CITY, Utah — I TRAVEL the world on the professional ski and snowboard circuit, but I grew up in a place most will never know firsthand. I was raised in Aleknagik, Alaska — an indigenous Yupik Eskimo village 400 air miles from the nearest chairlift and accessible only by boat and plane. It’s one of the most remote places in North America. This area is gaining attention as the proposed location of the Pebble Mine, which could end up as the largest open-pit mine in North America and threaten thousands of acres of pristine watershed and the spawning grounds of the largest wild sockeye salmon run on the planet. – Read the whole article here: